Elijah: Fear of Self Meang: Star Count

Hear some Smaq


Jsec PE Microphone Invasion Hip Hop Sessions


Wednesday, December 15 · 5:00pm - 9:00pm

Saturday, December 18 · 5:00pm - 9:00pm

Thursday, December 23 · 5:00pm - 9:00pm

LocationCoffee Cafe (opposite traduna mall by the PE main Library)
Govan Mbeki Avenue
Port Elizabeth, South Africa

More Info

Jsec PE Microphone Invasion Hip Hop [more than 7 days of Hip Hop al over Port Elizabeth]
for December 2010 December 15, 18, 23 this time also with Nettunes.co.za it's at Coffee Cafe: Articulate Artists, Abbatoh, Empera Draz, Wizdom, Big Calvin, Inco The Locks Myth, Kazin, Lion Headz, Antiseptics, Dj Lazola, Zeepo Watchu Think, Livity Movement and more artists and arts, other spots to be hit and more mcees to join the list, giving thanks for another year of underground Hip Hop at the tip of Africa to a sattelite in space right at you HIP HOP 1!

After DECEMBER 22 2008 KwaMagxaki Hall ☑ and DECEMBER 19 2009 COFFEE RULES PARLIAMENT STREET ✔
Johanesburg mcees and Port Elizabeth mcees have met up for a Hip Hop Session that goes > in dungoens on stages on streets and pavements

Past Names to have been involved / Dj Kamma Inco the Locks Myth, Anuba Sirus, Moses, Kashaan, Meang, Force, Murda Mo, Prominent, Elijah, Smerf, Masta Key Genius, Low Key, Middle Finga, Rattex, Vice the 13, Empera Draz, Blaze Kroniklez, Prominent, Kublah, Yahkeem, Brain Matter, Smaq Lawnj Kamp, Unfamiliar Systemz

New Brighton Masangwana Street also on the line up
Motherwell NU2 the Square

Gordon Brown’s New World Order Speech

Globalization and New World Order persuasion speeches for Draconian Rule of the world.
Speeches that were aired on BBC and CNN notably is the 2007 speech by former British Prime Minister, who was in seat at the time. (read the speech and spread and see the video too)

Britains then Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, spoke about a One World Totalitarian Socialist State, the Globalazation Agenda for a New World Order.Gordon Brown:“All these new challenges are bringing together about the biggest restructuring we’ve ever seen not just of the global economy but global order as a whole. And two hundred years ago, a famous British foreign secretary said that the new world had been called into existence to address the balance of the old. In 1989 another world war ended dominated by the cold war and people talked then in 1990 of the new world order. What they meant then was a new political order. And what was not foreseen then but is obvious now, from everything that we see and do, what we experience every day of our life is the sheer scale and speed and scope of globalization. And it’s only now that we can begin to understand that the world order that globalization brings and what it’s going to look like. It’s driven forward now not just by the balance of military strengths, the cold war times or ordinary political power. It’s being driven forward by a seismic shift in economic power that we see around us.

But what does the new world order mean for countries like ours who are looking to succeed? I suggest t that the countries that are going to succeed are those that combine flexibility, free trade, open markets, with proper stewardship of the environment and investment in education, infrastructure and innovation. And the question for us is how we meet and master all these challenges to ensure Britain enhances its competitiveness in the process and realizes what I believe is our destiny of success in this new world order.

So, in conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, a new world is emerging. It is a new world order with significantly different and radically new challenges for the future.”

Brown and Cameron outline rival green visions

They always make it sound so romantic. "We're going to help the people of the world."

Grahamstown National Art Festival Battle Finals 3 July 2010 and the Khulumani Lawsuit

A Battles rounded up to a final round that ended in a split decision vote by the crowd and judges deciding that Inkline and Elijah, both from Zwide, both from the Smaq Lawnj Kamp had won the battle prize.

The concept of the battles should not be forgotten but rather noted.

Brief Overview of the Khulumani Lawsuit


1. On 12 October 2007, the 2nd Circuit Court of New York overturned the decision of a District Court by reinstating the claims of the Khulumani Support Group ("Khulumani") and other claimants against 23 foreign multinational corporations and banks.

2. Khulumani filed the suit in November 2002 in a District Court of New York against these corporations and banks on the basis that they have aided and abetted the Apartheid government in enabling the said government to commit acts of gross human rights violations.

3. The corporations are spread across 5 industries and are from six different countries. The industries operated in the field of providing:

  • arms and ammunition to the apartheid government;
  • fuel to the police and military forces;
  • transportation to the police and military forces;
  • military technology to the apartheid government;
  • financing to the apartheid government to obtain the above goods

4. The corporations and banks are from the following countries - Switzerland, Germany, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, FranceUnited States of America.

5. The corporations and banks oppose the suits on the basis that their respective countries permitted trade with the Apartheid government. In particular, the U.S corporations argue that the U.S Foreign Policy encouraged constructive engagement with Apartheid South Africa and that investment and commerce played a critical part in pursuit of that policy.

6. In July 2003, the South African government urged the District Court to dismiss the suits on the basis that the suits interfere with the sovereign rights of the South African government. By this it means that it alone can deal exclusively with the question of reparations in South Africa. Furthermore, it argues that the suits also pose a danger to foreign direct investment.

7. In November 2004, the Southern District Court of New York dismissed the Khulumani and other suits. Khulumani took the matter on appeal to the 2nd Circuit Court of New York ("the 2nd Circuit").

8. On 12 October 2007, the 2nd Circuit overturned the decision of the District Court. The 2nd Circuit held that the Alien Tort Statute (ATS), the statute under which these cases are brought, indeed provides jurisdiction for the cases to be heard. It furthermore held that despite the South African government's request that the cases must be dismissed, a court must first hold an enquiry, thoroughly consider the views of the government, plaintiffs and the banks and corporations and only then make its decision whether to dismiss the cases or not. The 2nd Circuit held that this was not done and ordered that the cases go back to the District Court.

9. Since the decision of the 2nd Circuit, the banks and corporations on 1 November 2007 filed a Motion to Stay the decision of the 2nd Circuit pending their petition to the United States Supreme Court.

10. It may very well be that the highest court in the United States will hear the Khulumani and other cases in the next few months.

11. Khulumani seeks to achieve compensation for it and its members who have suffered acts of gross human rights violation. Khulumani argues that those corporations that provided arms and ammunition, transport to the armed forces, fuel and military technology to the armed forces and the banks that provided the funds to make these purchases are culpable of enabling the apartheid government to commit acts of gross human rights violations.

12. Khulumani furthermore seeks to hold these banks and corporations accountable as none of them appeared before the Truth & Reconciliation Commission ("the TRC") to disclose their involvement and association with the apartheid government.

13. Khulumani furthermore hopes that its case would prevent future conduct on the part of banks and corporations aiding and abetting rouge regimes, with particular reference to the Myanmar regime.

The Significance of the Successful Appeal Ruling


On October 12, 2007, the Second Circuit Court of Appeal in New York issued its ruling in the Khulumani et al v. Barclays et al lawsuit. In the ruling, the Court reversed the decision of the District Court on the Alien Tort Statute claims, and held that aiding and abetting liability exists and can be pled under the Alien Tort Statue.

The Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA) provides for the right of foreigners to institute lawsuits in the United States of America for human rights abuses wherever they may have been committed. This right was confirmed by the US Supreme Court in June 2004. The panel of judges ruled that the Khulumani case should be sent back to the district court for further proceedings. The lawsuit sues 23 foreign corporations for aiding and abetting the apartheid government in the perpetration of human rights atrocities, on behalf of specified individual victims who are demanding compensation for damages.

Some Background on the Khulumani Claim

The Khulumani lawsuit should be understood against the background of the South African government's failure to make good on its reparations promises or to deal comprehensively with the lifelong consequences to victims and survivors of the gross human rights abuses that resulted from their stand against the ‘machinery' of apartheid on an almost daily basis. It is the companies that equipped and financially supported this 'machinery' – the apartheid government's security apparatuses that are being sued in the Khulumani lawsuit.

None of the companies being sued engaged with the TRC or applied for amnesty. None of them has acknowledged the TRC's findings concerning the business community's complicity with the apartheid regime that: “[b]usiness was central to the economy that sustained the South African state during the apartheid years”; “[b]usiness failed in the hearings to take responsibility for its involvement in state security initiatives specifically designed to sustain apartheid rule”; and “banks that gave financial support to the apartheid state were accomplices to a criminal government that consistently violated international law”; and none has engaged in any programme of reparations for victims of gross human rights violations.

Advocate Dumisa Ntsebeza, a former Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) commissioner, has said, “transnational companies … owe to the victims of South Africa (mostly black people), a duty to give reparations.”

In summary, the Khulumani case alleges that the named defendants violated customary international law and a series of United Resolutions by aiding and abetting the crimes of apartheid; that the corporations acted with an unjustifiably high risk of harm to the oppressed population of South Africa that was either known, or was so obvious that it should have been known; and that therefore the defendants are liable to the plaintiffs for compensatory and punitive damages, as well as any other appropriate equitable and injunctive relief.

Government Opposition to the Khulumani Claim

Khulumani lawsuit lodged its claim after consulting with the South African government which initially asserted that it "(it) recognises the right of citizens to institute legal action” and stated that it would adopt a neutral stance in respect of the lawsuit.

Early in 2002, government changed its position when President Mbeki said, “We consider it completely unacceptable that matters that are central to the future of our country should be adjudicated in foreign courts which bear no responsibility for the well-being of our country and the observance of the perspective contained in our Constitution on the promotion of national reconciliation.”

The South African government has since gone to great lengths to oppose the Khulumani lawsuit. Former Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Mr Penuell Maduna, submitted an ex parte declaration opposing the Khulumani litigation to the district court in July 2003. He makes three central claims in this declaration: first, that the litigation undermines South Africa's sovereignty –

“the issues raised in these proceedings are essentially political in nature. These should be and are being resolved throughSouth Africa's own democratic processes. Another country's courts should not determine how ongoing political processes inSouth Africa should be resolved”;

second, that the litigation will undermine South Africa's own reconciliation, and transformation processes –

these proceedings…will intrude up [sic] and disrupt our own effort to achieve reconciliation and reconstruction”;

and third, that the litigation will hinder foreign direct investment and thus negatively impact on the South African economy -

“this litigation…will…discourage much-needed direct foreign investment in South Africa and thus delay the achievement of our central goals. Indeed, this litigation could have a destabilizing effect on the South African economy as investment is not only a driver of growth, but also employment.”

While these might appear to be legitimate grounds for opposition, none of them has any substance. The claim that trying a case brought by South Africans in a foreign court undermines South Africa's sovereignty would only be legitimate if there was the opportunity for such cases to have been filed in a South African court.

The ATCA legislation is unique in allowing foreign nationals to sue any private actor in the US courts and cases have first to overcome the procedural hurdle of proving that there is no other forum in which the case could be heard. The second claim, that the litigation undermines South Africa's own reconciliation and reparations processes, has been met with stern opposition, not least from the TRC members themselves, a majority of whom, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, submitted an amicus curiae brief to the New York court in support of the litigation, noting that,

None of the Defendants in this action sought amnesty before the TRC. It would be bizarre at best to hold that they may now find shelter from civil liability in private litigation because their payment of damages might somehow interfere with a reconciliation process in which they refused to participate. The Khulumani action involves the private redress of private harms from private actors. The now-completed work of the TRC is not implicated in any way.

The final claim by the South African government – that the litigation will impede much-needed foreign direct investment – has the most profound implications. The claim that the litigation will negatively affect the future of foreign investment, and thus employment, is a contested view. Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz has pointed out, that contrary to government's assertion, "addressing corporate misconduct (in fact) brings confidence to consumers and markets”.

It should be pointed out that the South African government's affidavit in the Khulumani case has had major negative impact for other victims of human rights abuses seeking to use the ATCA. In 2005, a case brought by “comfort women” from Korea and other Asian countries was dismissed by a US district court after nearly 50 years of struggle to claim compensation for being used as bonded sexual slaves for the Japanese military during the Second World War. The court cited the Maduna affidavit in rejecting this claim.

After listening to heads of argument, Judge Sprizzo dismissed the apartheid claims in September 2004, suggesting that they could have serious consequences for United States Foreign Relations and in particular for US commercial trade.

When the appeal hearing took place in New York in January 2006, government tabled an amicus curiae brief supporting the defending companies and sent its current Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Ms Brigitte Mabandla, to attend the hearing. It is the ruling of this court that has now been made.

Litigating Corporate Accountability

While government argues that the Khulumani lawsuit undermines the sovereignty of South Africa, it may in fact be the power of multinational corporations to dictate to governments that actually threatens national sovereignty. Multinational corporations dictate terms to democratic governments and insist that their interests are raised above those of citizens. They have become able to hold governments hostage to their economic demands and governments have been forced to accede because of their increasing reliance on foreign direct investment as development aid decreases.

In return for their business investments, corporations insist that they remain free from accountability for any past, present or future human rights violations. Most states have little power to control corporate activity within their borders and when they become involved in human rights violations, it is extraordinarily difficult to hold them to account for these abuses because of their global presence, their socio-political influence, the impotence of the state, and the unenforceability of international law.

Often governments find themselves beholden to corporate interests as corporate and political elites have developed the same basic interests with many members of government having direct business interests or having entered politics from the business-world. Corporations have also secured their interests through financing election campaigns. A Daimler-Chrysler subsidiary, African Defence Systems (ADS), has been associated with allegedly bribing politicians with massively discounted vehicles. DaimlerChrysler is a defendant in the Khulumani lawsuit.

To the extent that corporations are able to secure their interests through their ability to buy influence, in whatever way, democracy no longer exists as ‘one person, one vote'. It is clear that the South African government's stance on the Khulumani lawsuit is bedeviled with these dynamics.


Given the difficulty of holding multinational corporations accountable, the Khulumani lawsuit has particular international significance. It is a post-facto attempt to ensure that the impact of corporate investment in illegitimate regimes is properly acknowledged and censured – and that a ruling against the corporations named in this complaint will prove a deterrent to these and other corporations from doing business that aids and abets other illegitimate and criminal regimes.

The ATCA remains one of the only effective tools by which corporate accountability might be achieved. It is the one means by which the extraordinary trans-national power of corporations can be reined in and some national accountability retained.

If successful, the Khulumani lawsuit would provide a useful means of ensuring some form of corporate accountability for the kind of human rights violations that have become almost commonplace in corporate activity in the developing world. Indeed, this lawsuit could provide an important basis for the manner in which South African corporations themselves, do business as they move into other parts of the continent, especially in cases where they are operating under repressive regimes. Further, a positive outcome in this case will go a long in resolving some of the unfinished business of the TRC and thereby contribute to more meaningful and sustainable social reconciliation and substantive justice.

By Dr Marjorie Jobson and Mr Tshepo Madlingozi, Khulumani Support Group, November 2007


  1. Hamber, B. Reparations as symbol: Narratives of resistance, reticence and possibility in South Africa, 2004
  2. Jobson, J.A., Khulumani et al v Barclays et al: Litigating Corporate Human Rights Violations, History Honours Long Essay, Rhodes University, 2006
  3. Khulumani ‘Original Cmplaint' p 166
  4. Khulumani et al v. Barclays et al, “Brief of Amici Curiae International Human Rights Organisations, TRC Commissioners, and Others in Support of the Plaintiffs”, United States District Court Southern District of New York, 29 September 2004, accessed athttp://www.cmht.com/pdfs/AmicusBriefAsFiledSeptember292004.PDF , p.18.
  5. Maduna, P.M., “Declaration by Justice Minister Penuell Maduna on Apartheid Litigation in the United States”, 11 July 2003, accessed atwww.info.gov.za/otherdocs/2003/apartheid.pdf,
  6. Mbeki, T. We are our own healers. Opinion Editorial, City Press. 11 November 2007
  7. Nattrass, N., “The Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Business and Apartheid: A Critical Evaluation” in African Affairs, Vol. 98, No. 392, July 1999,, p.375.
  8. Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa (TRC), Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa Report, Vol. 4, Chapter 2, (Cape Town, 1998) ¶161.
  9. Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa (TRC), Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa Report, Vol. 6, Section 2, Chapter 5, (Cape Town, 1998), ¶26.

Death Session Grahamstown National Arts Festival

Elijah Ngongela
June 1991 Zwide Port Elizabeth South Africa

Elijah is defending a title given to him from battling during the Grahamstown Nationala art festival. Death session

The History of the Development of AIDS

Chapter Excerpt from “State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS”

by Boyd E. Graves, J.D. (Dr Boyd Graves did research into CANCER VIRUSES.)

RIP Dr Boyd Graves

The true history of the origin of AIDS can be traced throughout the 20th Century and back to 1878.On April 29 of that year the United States passed a “FEDERAL QUARANTINE ACT”.

The United States began a significant effort to investigate “causes” of epidemic diseases. In 1887, the effort was enhanced with the mandate of the U.S. “LABORATORY OF HYGIENE”. This lab was run by Dr. Joseph J. Kinyoun, a deep rooted-racist, who served the eugenics movement with dedication.

Two years later, 1889, we were able to identify “mycoplasmas”, a transmissible agent, that is now found at the heart of human diseases, including (AIDS) HIV.

In 1893, we strengthened the Federal Quarantine Act and suddenly there was an explosion of polio.

In 1898, we knew we could use mycoplasma to cause epidemics, because we were able to do so in cattle, and we saw it in tobacco plants.
In 1899, the U.S. Congress began investigating “leprosy in the United States”.
In 1902, We organized a “Station for Experimental Evolution” and we were able to identify diseases of an ethnic nature.
In 1904, we used mycoplasma to cause an epidemic in horses.
In 1910, we used mycoplasma to cause an epidemic in fowl/birds.
In 1917, we formed the “Federation of the American Society for Experimental Biology” (FASEB).

In 1918, the influenza virus killed millions of unsuspecting. It was a flu virus modified with a bird mycoplasma for which human primates had no “acquired immunity”.

In 1921, lead eugenics philosopher, Betrand Russell, publicly supported the “necessity for “organized” plagues” against the Black population.
In 1931, we secretly tested African Americans and we tested AIDS in sheep.
In 1935, we learned we could crystallize the tobacco mycoplasma, and it would remain infectious.

In 1943, we officially began our bio-warfare program. Shortly thereafter, we were finding our way to New Guinea to study mycoplasma in humans.
In 1945, we witnessed the greatest influx of foreign scientists in history into the U.S. biological program. Operation Paperclip will live in infamy as one of the darkest programs of a twisted parallel government fixated on genocide.

In 1946, the United States Navy hired Dr. Earl Traub, a notorious racist biologist.
A May appropriations hearing confirms the existence of a “secret” biological weapon.
In 1948, we know that the United States confirmed the endorsement of “devising a scheme” in which to address the issue of overpopulation in certain racial groups. State Department’s George McKennan’s memo will forever illuminate the eugenics mendacity necessary for genocide of millions of innocent people.
In 1949, Dr. Bjorn Sigurdsson isolates the VISNA virus. Visna is man made and shares some “unique DNA” with HIV. See, Proceedings of the United States, NAS, Vol. 92, pp. 3283 - 7, (April 11, 1995).

In 1951, we now know our government conducted its first virus attack on African Americans. Crates in Pennsylvania were tainted to see how many Negro crate handlers in Virginia would acquire the placebo virus.. They were also experimentally infecting sheep and goats. According to author Eva Snead, they also held their first world conference on an AIDS-like virus.
In 1954, Dr. Bjorn Sigurdsson publishes his first paper on Visna virus and establishes himself as the “Grandfather of the AIDS virus.” He will encounter competition from Dr. Carlton Gajdusek.
In 1955, they were able to artificially assemble the tobacco mosaic virus. Mycoplasmas will forever be at the heart of the U.S. biological warfare program

In 1957, future U.S. president, Rep Gerald Ford and others gave the U.S. Pentagon permission to aggressively deploy offensive biological agents. There are no recorded cases of AIDS prior to the 1957 creation of “Special Operation-X.” (The SOX) program served as the immediate prototype program for the Special Virus program to begin in 1962.
By 1960, Nikita Kruschev had been let in on the biological weapon. His 1960 statement will long reflect the arrogance of the secret blend of communism and democracy. The two countries would go to a November 1972 agreement to cull the Black Population.
In 1961, scientist Haldor Thomar publishes that viruses cause cancer. In 1995, he and Carlton Gajdusek informed the National Academy of Sciences that “the study of visna in sheep would be the best test for candidate anti-HIV drugs.”
In 1962, under the cover of cancer research, the United States charts a path to commit premeditated murder, the “Special Virus” program begins on February 12th. Dr. Len Hayflick sets up a U.S. mycoplasma laboratory at Stanford University. Many believe the “Special Virus” program began in November 1961 with a Phizer contract.

Beginning in 1963 and for every year thereafter, the “Special Virus” program conducted annual progress reviews at Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA. The annual meetings are representative of the aggressive nature in which the United States pursued the development of AIDS.
In 1964, the United States Congress gave full support for the leukemia/lymphoma (AIDS) virus research.
In 1967, the National Academy of Sciences launched a full scale assault on Africa. The CIA (Technical Services Division) acknowledged its secret inoculator program.
In 1969, Fort Detrick told world scientists and the Pentagon asked for more money, they knew they could make AIDS.
Nixon’s July 18 secret memo to Congress on “Overpopulation” serves as the start of the paper trail of the AIDS Holocaust.

In 1970, President Nixon signed PL91-213 and John D. Rockefeller, III became the “Population Czar.” Nixon’s August 10 National Security Memo leaves no doubt as to the genocidal nature of depopulation.
In 1971, Progress Report #8 is issued. The flowchart (pg. 61) will forever resolve the true laboratory birth origin of AIDS. Eventually the Special Virus program will issue 15 reports and over 20,000 scientific papers. The flowchart links every scientific paper, medical experiment and U.S. contract. The flowchart would remain “missing” until 1999. World scientists were stunned. The flowchart will gain in significance throughout the 21st Century. It is also clear the experiments conducted under Phase IV-A of the flowchart are our best route to better therapy and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS. The first sixty pages of progress report #8 of the Special Virus program prove conclusively the specific goal of the program. By June 1977, the Special Virus program had produced 15, 000 gallons of AIDS. The AIDS virus was attached as complement to vaccines sent to Africa and Manhattan. However, because of the thoroughness of authors, like Dr. Robert E. Lee, we also learn the Stanford Mycoplasma Laboratory issues one of the first papers with AIDS in the title. “Viral Infections in Man Associated with Acquired Immunological Deficiency States.” The primary scientist, Dr. Thomas Merigan, was a “consultant” to the Special Virus program.

Progress Report # 8 at 104 - 106 proves Dr. Robert Gallo was secretly working on the development of AIDS with full support of the sector of the U.S. government that seeks to kill its citizens. Dr. Gallo can not explain why he excluded his role as a “project officer” for the Special Virus program from his biographical book. Dr. Gallo’s early work and discoveries will finally be viewed in relation to the flowchart. We now know where every experiment fits into the flowchart. The “research logic” is irrefutable evidence of a federal “Manhattan-style project” to develop a “contagious” cancer that “selectively” kills. Dr. Gallo’s 1971 paper is identical to his 1984 AIDS announcement.

Progress Report #8 at 273 - 286 proves we gave AIDS to monkeys. Since 1962, the United States and Dr. Robert Gallo have been inoculating monkeys and re-releasing them back into the wild. Thus, even government scientists are baffled that both HIV-1 and HIV-II would “suddenly emerge” from two distinct monkey ancestral relatives during the last 100 years. A 1999 Japanese study will ultimately prove the Man to Monkey origin of Monkey AIDS. The monkey experiments summary definitively proves Monkey AIDS is also man-made.

In 1972, the United States and the Soviet Union entered into a biological agreement that would signal the death knell for the Black Population. The 1972 agreement for collaboration and cooperation in the development of offensive biological agents is still U. S. policy.
In 1973, we find that world scientist, Garth Nicolson reports on his project, “Role of the Cell Surface in Escape From Immunological Surveillance.” His report is accompanied by seven published papers. Dr. Nicolson worked in conjunction with the Special Virus program from 1972 until 1978. Dr. Nicolson is considered by some to be Dr. Gallo’s “West Coast” counterpart. It is strongly held that because of Dr. Nicolson, Dr. Robert Gallo and Dr. Luc Montagnier would secretly meet in Southern California to coordinate what they would and would not say about the special virus development program.

In 1974, Furher Henry Kissinger releases his NSSM-200 (U.S. Plan to Address Overpopulation). It is the only issue of discussion at the World Population Conference in Bucharest, Romania.
The men in the shadows had won, the whole world agrees to secretly cull Africa’s population. Today it is Africa and other undesirables. Tomorrow it may be you.
In 1975, President Gerald Ford signs National Security Defense Memorandum #314. The United States implements the Kissinger NSSM-200.
In 1976, the United States issues Progress Report #13 of the Special Virus program. The report proves the United States had various international agreements with the Russians, Germans, British, French, Canadians and Japanese. The plot to kill Black people has wide international support. In March, the Special Virus began production of the AIDS virus, by June 1977, the program will have produced 15,000 gallons of AIDS. President Jimmy Carter allows for the continuation of the secret plan to cull the Black Population.
In 1977, Dr. Robert Gallo and the top Soviet Scientists meet to discuss the proliferation of the 15,000 gallons of AIDS. They attach AIDS as complement to the Small pox vaccine for Africa, and the “experimental” hepatitis B vaccine for Manhattan. According to authors June Goodfield and Alan Cantwell, it is Batch #751 that was administered in New York to thousands of innocent people. This government will never be able to repay the people for the social rape, humiliation and out right prejudice people with HIV/AIDS face on a daily basis. The men in the shadows of the AIDS curtain accurately calculated that you would not care if only Blacks and gays are dying. In fact you don’t care that nearly a half million Gulf War veterans are encumbered with something contagious. Soon there will be no more Black people and a confused military, older White people will start suddenly dying and you still won’t get it. Be here now for us, give us a chance to be there for you.
Suddenly, just as President Nixon had predicted, there was explosive death. On November 4, 1999, the U.S. White House announced,.... “Within a period as short as five years, all new infections of HIV in the United States will be African American....” At some point our experts must be allowed to begin the interface process of allowing the history of this virus program to count. It is ludicrous and preposterous to fail to review the U.S. virus program in which to elucidate the etiology of AIDS.
More of the history of the secret virus program can be found in the archives of Dr. John B. Moloney. A review of the files under Dr. Moloney’s name would further pinpoint additional dates and records consistent with one of the greatest hunts, capture and proliferation of disease in the history of the human race. We have found the missing link. It is the guts of the research logic of a federal program that seeks to kill. We have found a curtain of AIDS. We can identify some of the people who work in the shadows of the curtain. Dr. Robert Gallo and Dr. Garth Nicolson must lead us in review. In light of the attack mechanisms available in which to inhibit AIDS, it is time that not another person be stricken with this relic, synthetic mycoplasma chimera.

Help those of us who are still here to realize full and contributory lives. We are all one people.

On September 28, 1998 I filed suit against the United States for the “creation”, “production” and “proliferation” of AIDS. On November 7, 2000, the appeals court agreed with the lower court and held AIDS bioengineering as “frivolous.” The world continues to wait for the court to rule on the resubmitted issues. The court can not continue to simply brush aside our experts and the government’s flowchart.

I have been asked to give my perspective with regard to the federal program MK-NAOMI . MK-NAOMI is the code for the development of AIDS. The “MK” portion stands for the two co-authors of the AIDS virus, Robert Manaker and Paul Kotin. The “NAOMI” portion stands for “Negroes are Only Momentary Individuals.” The U.S. government continues to orchestrate silence from the very top echelons of the Congress and military. At present there is no accountability. The good people will ultimately create a tsunami of public outrage. We can not allow the state an autocratic right to govern outside of the Constitution. Our society is structured to hide crimes committed by the state, while punishing citizens for minor indiscretions. Their strategy focuses on the general confusion they can create via manipulation of the media. They are very good at what they do. We must become more focused in our continued presentation of the flowchart. The flowchart is the absolute missing link in proving the existence of a coordinated research program to develop a cancer virus that depletes the immune system. New diseases do not create old illnesses.

This compilation of court documents and correspondence is the true effort of one man’s achievement in solving the mystery of the origin of AIDS. We have found the origin of AIDS, it is us.

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